Friday, May 25, 2012

Uncommon Results

I've been exercising in my garage using the Max T3 videos, with Dr. Fred Roberto. In the middle of one of the videos, when my muscles are begging me to stop, he reminds me, "Uncommon effort produces uncommon results." Actually, he kind of shouts it. I want to smack him. But I push harder.

I love that phrase: Uncommon effort produces uncommon results. So true. I can think of a number of movies, like Rocky or Iron Will (okay, evidently I can think of old movies!), that illustrate this concept. The character that pushes harder and makes more sacrifices is the one who comes out the biggest winner, who gets those uncommon results.

The other day, as I was rolling out dough for a recipe, I thought to myself, This is so much work! I wish I had more time to do other things. Yes, gasp, I have those thoughts. But they don't last. The results have been more than worth it, even on days when it's hard.

I don't have to roll out my own dough, but I'm still looking for ways to make this work on a tight budget. Sometimes, I have to let pre-made healthy foods go because I can make them myself for a fraction of the price. Other times, I have to let certain recipes go because they take too much time. It's a balancing act, and just like a tightrope walker, I often find myself leaning too much one way, then the other, then back again the other way, but slowly, I'm getting the hang of it and finding my happy medium.

It is hard work sometimes, eating unprocessed foods. One thing I've realized, though, is that Dr. Fred Roberto is right. To achieve the uncommon results we're all hoping for takes uncommon effort. You might be putting forth some uncommon effort right now, and wondering if it will ever pay off, or perhaps you've been just playing around with the idea of giving up the overprocessed lifestyle that's making Americans so sick, but you're not sure you want to put forth that much effort. You're busy, your budget is already tight enough, and it just looks too hard.

If you want to do this, your mind is going to have to be convinced that it's worth it, or you'll quit when it gets hard. You'll give up.

This won't always be such a steep uphill climb. You will find shortcuts along the way to make it easier, but it won't ever be easy.

Then again, nothing that's really worth it ever is.


  1. Thank you for these wise words. Just the encouragement I needed this morning
