Monday, January 21, 2013

Checking In

Now that the new year is well underway, you've had plenty of time to make (and break!) your resolutions. Your pants may feeling a bit snug due to the delicious Christmas goodies, and you'd rather snuggle up in your warm bed than trudge out to the freezing cold garage to exercise.

Is this you? I must admit, it feels a lot like me!

I don't want to be this person who finds it a challenge to roll out of my warm bed in the morning. I want to pop up, ready and excited for my day. I want to feel energized and healthy because I've made good choices about what to put in my body and when to turn out the lights and get some sleep. I want to set a good example for my kids, and I want to find the time and energy to invest in them.

Right now, though, being that person is a struggle. The familiar taste of those Christmas treats still lingers in my mind. The fleece sheets we got for Christmas (yes, fleece!) are unbelievably snuggly warm and I'm finding it challenging to peel them back and head out for early morning surge training.

I'm kind of stuck.

What are the alternatives, though? I know that if I don't make good choices, I will hurt myself and my family. I'll feel lethargic and cranky. My ability to live my life with vibrance will suffer. I won't be able to do the things I want and need to get done.

No, I won't give up. But I can't do it alone. 

This morning, my family went into 180 Chiropractic and Wellness for our adjustments. Dr. Sweeney was so encouraging. No reprimands for our obvious failures. Instead, a promise that he is praying for us as we continue to fight to make healthy life choices.

I don't know where you are today on your journey to a healthy life--hopefully you're steadily jogging along, keeping a strong pace, but maybe you've taken an unintentional detour and are sitting down for a soda at the Unhealthy Cafe. Maybe you got up this morning, ready to face the world, but by the time you got to work, you'd already stopped for doughnuts.

What one word would you use to describe your journey right now? Successful? Discouraging?   Steady? Failure? Hopeful? Go ahead, think of one. I'll wait. In fact, I'd love it if you'd include your one word in the comments below. 

To be fair, I'll give you mine: Determined.

I'm determined to do this. I'm determined to make healthy choices for myself and my family, because I know we will be stronger, live longer, and have the energy we need to do all of those things we want and need to do: energy to serve at our church, energy to enjoy our friends, energy to teach and write and fold the laundry and clean the house and...well, you get it.

I can't do this alone.

You can't do this alone.

Who will stand with you, gently encourage you, pray for you, and cheer you on as you navigate your way through birthday party cake, office snacks, and alluring fast food signs? Find a friend, a family member, a co-worker--someone--who will walk with you.

This isn't a fad. It isn't a one-month stint. It's a lifestyle. You'll have ups and downs, but if you stick with it, it will be worth it. After all, what's the alternative?

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