Friday, February 17, 2012

Including Our Kids

It has happened so often. I’ll be having a great conversation with someone who is interested in healthier living, and then I’ll mention something about my kids. I can see it in their eyes. “Oh…” they’ll say, unsure. “You make your kids do this, too?” and I know that, once again, I’ve instantly gone from being regarded as Really Dedicated to Nut Job in a matter of seconds.
This unsavory opinion stems from people’s inaccurate ideas about our family’s lifestyle changes. People who see our healthier living as a “weight loss plan” inevitably disapprove of our insistence that our children also participate. This isn’t a weight loss plan, however. It’s a long term plan for healthier living that we hope our children will carry with them into adulthood.

If it’s honestly true that refined sugar and flour are some of the worst offenders in the American diet, that hydrogenated oils will really cause significant health problems, and that toxins are…well, toxic, then why in the world would I get my own life together and then continue giving my kids foods that I know are terrible for them? I want my kids to live long, healthy lives where they won’t be slowed down by the ups and downs associated with sugar intake, where their brains will think clearly, and where they will be much less likely to suffer from preventable health problems.

This is why my kids live healthy, too.

At first, they hated it. I’ll never forget the tears when we refused to let them order macaroni and cheese at a restaurant because we were still breaking our sugar addictions, the frustration over trying to find healthy foods that they actually liked, the emotions, the fatigue, the raised eyebrows from family and friends, the “mommy guilt” when I had to say no yet again to food that all their friends were eating. It was really hard.
It was also really, really worth it. They now thrive on what they affectionately call “the plan.” They do get “cheats” every week, including cake at birthday parties and doughnuts in Sunday school. (And, of course, trips to Sweet Cece's!) The rest of the week, we eat healthy. We’re always finding new recipes for treats they enjoy, like chocolate chip cookies, apple cobbler, and popcorn. They’ve really enjoyed helping me come up with healthier alternative ingredients for our favorite recipes and cooking together in the kitchen.

No, they’re not missing out. They have more energy than ever (sorry, teachers!), they sleep better, have better concentration, and they haven’t been sick. They’ve all been able to go off of their allergy medications and now only take all natural supplements. They used to really look longingly at the junk food we were "depriving" them of, but they miss it less and less. When they do get to eat it, they often tell me it doesn't taste as good as it used to and that they actually prefer the healthier food. (I can hardly believe that I actually just typed that! I still have a hard time believing that their taste buds have changed that much, but they really, truly have.)

So, yes, our kids are “on the plan.” Yes, we’re “depriving” them of harmful sugars and refined substances, which they don’t really miss, to give them a longer, healthier life.
If you’re trying to live healthier, include your kids! Now is the time to teach them healthy habits and help them develop a taste for nutritious food that will last a lifetime.

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