Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Surge Training: Lateral Jumps

If you've started surge training, you're probably looking for some different exercises to try. Running in place every time can get old pretty quickly. You need to use a variety of exercises to work different parts of your body and keep this fun, not boring.

You should be feeling fatigued when you surge train. If you're not, you're either not pushing hard enough, or you've chosen an exercise that isn't working your body enough. When I first started surge training last summer, it was really, really hard. I could barely climb the stairs from my garage back into my house after only 9 minutes of exercise. However, after time, my body started to acclimate to the exercises I chose, even though I tried to rotate them. After awhile, surge training didn't seem so hard.

This was certainly easier, but truthfully, I wasn't giving my body the workout it needed, so I've stepped it up by using some additional exercises from Dr. Fred Roberto. The burning fatigue is back. I don't exactly welcome it, but at least it's short-lived!

Check out the exercise, Lateral Jumps, by Dr. Fred Roberto. You'll get your heart rate up and really challenge your body (and you won't get bored!)

Let me know how it goes!

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